Permanent Eyebrows Information

Thank you so much for your interest in our permanent brow services! We are so excited to be offering powder brows at Destiny Derma Spa!

Prior to booking an appointment, we ask that all clients read the following information in full to ensure that they are properly informed about payment, cancellation policies, consent, client record forms, and FAQs. It’s important to us that each client reads through the following information thoroughly and understands everything before booking. Please contact us with any additional questions or concerns.


What Are Powder Brows?

Powder brows are a semi-permanent makeup service using a machine and a single needle. The needle is used to shade “pixels” into the skin, which gives a makeup effect. The pixels are shaded farther apart in the front of the eyebrows, creating the “ombre effect.”

Powder Brows vs. Microblading

Powder brows are a different technique than microblading. Powder brows are great for all types of skin and are less traumatic to the skin than microblading, which uses a sharp blade to cut lines into the skin which are meant to mimic individual hairs. Microblading “strokes” often end up blurring and expanding on the skin over time. Because it’s highly ablative, if this service is repeated over time, there can be a risk of scarring as the technique primarily involves slicing “hair strokes.” Microblading is also not recommended for oily skin. Because we want to maintain the integrity of the skin as much as possible, we do not offer microblading, only powder brows.


Brows that have been done by a different artist will not be considered a touch-up appointment with us. You will have to pay the full price. Make sure you have an in-person consultation prior to booking if you have had previous permanent make-up on your eyebrows. Shape/color corrections may be needed and is not a simple or easy process. If this is something that can be accommodated, we will, but this is up to the artist’s discretion.


Call 440.617.9610 to book your consultation or appointment. A non-refundable $100 deposit is required to secure your appointment date, this deposit will go toward the total price. We accept credit and debit cards or cash, no checks.

Clients with previous work done by another artist will need an in-person consultation to determine if removal or cover up is the better option. We do not currently offer color corrections or removals.

Please remember to bring your photo ID to your appointment. If you have any additional questions after reading, please ask us during your consultation or before booking your appointment. A touch-up appointment can be scheduled 6-12 weeks after the initial service.

Please come by yourself! Friends and family will not be allowed to be in the room during the service and will be asked to sit in the waiting area for the duration of the session (2-4 hours).


Cancellation will forfeit your deposit, and another deposit will be required to re-book.

Health conditions that will impact results:

Please make sure none of the following conditions pertain to you prior to booking your appointment. A doctor’s note is required if you have an autoimmune deficiency. Any topical, active ingredients (Retinol, Retin-A, Vitamin A or C, Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, etc) used around the eyebrow area (eyes, forehead, etc) must be stopped for two weeks prior to your appointment and for two weeks after the service during the healing process. Moles near or on the eyebrows cannot be tattooed over.

If any of the following conditions apply to you, you are not a good candidate for permanent eyebrows:

  • Skin irritation near/around eyebrows

  • Botox within the last 3 weeks

  • Accutane within the last year

  • History of keloid scarring

  • Allergy to topical anesthetics

  • Allergy to ink pigments

  • Acne near/around eyebrows

  • Using blood thinners

  • Using Psoriasis/Eczema cream around eyebrows

  • Using sun sensitizing medications or creams

  • Using Retinol or Retin-A active ingredients around eyebrows

  • Autoimmune deficiencies

  • Glaucoma

  • Diabetes

  • Pregnancy

  • Hepatitis/HIV

  • Transmittable blood conditions

  • Hemophilia

  • Undergoing chemotherapy

  • Bleeding disorders

  • Epilepsy/seizures

  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure

If you are unsure if you’re a good candidate, please call 440.617.9610 with any questions or concerns.

Pre-Appointment Prep

Prior to your appointment, it is important that you refrain from use of blood thinners, some of which include: coffee, caffeine, alcohol, ibuprofen, and/or any other pain relievers for AT LEAST 24 hours. Topical active ingredients need to be avoided 7-14 days before appointment, and include, but are not limited to: anti-aging products, retinoids (vitamin A), vitamin C, vitamin E, etc. Additionally, blood thinning medications/supplements must be stopped 7-14 days before appointment. Some of these include: coumadin, plavix, fish oil, niacin, aspirin, vitamin B6, Coenzyme Q10, vitamin E. Avoid chemically treating the brows with tint, lamination, etc. for 1-2 weeks before appointment.

Preparation is important to ensure the best possible pigment retention and healing. Be aware that you will not be able to get your brows wet for 24 hours after the appointment for any reason.